

Book Your Package
Hypnotherapy For Rapid Chance

What if you could release stress, self-doubt, & burnout—in just one session?

It’s possible to transform self-limiting beliefs, adopt health habits that make you feel awesome, build fulfilling relationships, and heal childhood trauma without doing therapy for years!

Book Your Package Today


  • Feeling overwhelmed, dealing with chronic fatigue, stress, or anxiety
  • Wanting to grow trustful & unbreakable relationships
  • Wanting to heal attachment issues or eating disorders
  • Wishing to feel more at ease, peaceful, and connected on a daily basis
  • Are open to transforming your negative self-beliefs or feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness, or fear of failure
  • Are looking for deep healing that will change your self-awareness, family life & entire well-being
  • Wanting to find your life’s power & calling
  • Grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Are ready for a fast transformation to thrive into your wildest dreams



Understand how unmet needs as a child can morph into fixed stories we tell ourselves in adulthood


Realize your darkness holds the light that makes your life unique & the unlimited power that’s within you


Get in touch with your full potential & recover lost parts of yourself while overcoming insecurities

Imagine in just one week ahead, you will:

  • Realize how much your misconceptions have depleted your life force
  • Enjoy life without feeling overwhelmed, stressed. burned out, or doubting yourself for one more moment
  • Understand why your negative thoughts, habits, and behaviors have limited your inner freedom and potential for years
  • Acquire practical tools for finding inner ease, calm and new clarity
  • Be blown away by the wisdom of your higher self and your amazing, unique gifts that the world needs

Hi, I am Pia,

My freedom as a mom, didn’t come through knowing everything about parenting. It came through transforming my own childhood trauma!

I’ve devoted my life to supporting parents with an evidence-based, rapid therapy approach and mindful parenting tools that make me stand out in a sea of parenting coaches & therapists. I teach the same things that successfully helped me find inner ease, purpose and fulfillment as a woman and mother.

After studying human development and psychology, and earning a master’s degree in special education from Cologne University, I became a certified hypnotherapist and certified parenting coach in the US and have also trained in healing trauma. In the past 20 years, I’ve founded A Temporary Home for traumatizes babies and toddlers in Germany and started the Beginning Well non-profit. In my private practice I’ve helped hundreds of parents and their children heal their relationships, well-being and emotional health.

Get instant solutions. Discover how to…

  • Transform negative self-beliefs & feelings of not being good enough or unworthiness into self-empowerment
  • Reduce inner stress, exhaustion, and self-doubts
  • Increase inner balance, strength, and joyful togetherness
  • Create connection when you feel disconnected from yourself, your children & others
  • Heal your childhood trauma and clear inner blockages
  • Transform traumatic experiences such as a c-section or birth complications
  • Process grief from the loss of a loved one
  • Be kind and appreciative with yourself, recognize your motherly instinct & amazing potential
  • Find your life’s calling as a woman & mom
  • Heal emotional pain and feelings of overwhelmed, guilt or shame

In the bustle of life, it’s common to unload stress and frustration onto ourselves or our loved ones. Hypnotherapy creates a safe space to release what no longer serves you and rediscover the true you.

How only one session transformed Nicole’s fear of not being good enough…

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this mind-blowing, powerful, deep, and also fun session. It caught me off guard how deep we went in only one session. I’ve noticed an incredible shift in my overall energy and focus. I’ve become much more aware of my choices and thoughts. I feel connected with myself, calm, grounded, and patient. For the first time, I didn’t wake up tired or triggered by my chronic fear of rejection. I allow myself to be more silly with my teenage daughter, to be myself rather than working so hard to be perfect and please everyone around me!”

– Nicole, Colorado, USA

Only one session will swiftly lead you to…

 A comparison study from the American Health Magazine

  • Hypnotherapy – 93% recovery after 6 sessions
  • Behavior therapy – 72% recovery after 22 sessions
  • Psychoanalysis – 38% recovery after 600 sessions

I promise you:

Your heart knows the path to happiness! In less than a few weeks, I will be safely guiding you to a healthy, rich life filled with power, purpose, and emotional ease like you’ve never experienced before!

(Limited spots available!)

What you need to know:

What is Hypnosis & What is Hypnotherapy?2022-09-27T10:00:11-07:00

About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness, that we move in and out of, every day. It can also be described as a focused awareness. Any time you narrow down your focus, as you do when you’re really engrossed in a good movie, book or song, you have created a state of self hypnosis. You might have experienced this while working on the computer as well. Any time that you’re more focused on the project in front of you and less focused on your outside surroundings, you’re in a light state of hypnosis.

Dispel the myths: In a state of hypnosis you’re not asleep or unconscious. You’re aware of your surroundings. You can’t be forced to do anything that’s against your will nor will you do anything that goes against your morals, belief or ethics. You’re in complete control.

There are five physiological signs that indicate that you’re in a state of hypnosis. You’ll feel at least one of the five.

  1. You feel so relaxed that you don’t want to move a muscle
  2. You may have a feeling of heaviness, or lightness, especially in your arms and legs.
  3. You may feel numbness, tingling, or dullness in your feet or hands.
  4. You may feel as if you’re floating.
  5. You may feel so detached from the environment that surroundings feel quite distant.

Benefits of Hypnosis
The state of hypnosis gives us the best way to access our very powerful subconscious mind. That’s the place that stores all our emotions, memories, addictions, and habits. It’s also the home of our imagination and intuition.

Your subconscious mind knows and understands the reasons behind the various challenges or symptoms you are experiencing in your life. Hypnosis allows you to collaborate with your critical mind and connect with your higher self, your full potential. Then you can create change in your life and accomplish your desired goals with greater ease.

About Hypnotherapy
The therapeutic use of hypnosis is a systematic approach to changing unhealthy habits and transforming self-limiting beliefs and negative behaviors. Through hypnosis, you can deeply reconnect with your inner resources, your unlimited imagination, creativity, and wise intuition.

Hypnotherapy is also known as ‘brief therapy’. That’s because it usually takes only a few sessions to experience the changes you desire in a profound and lasting way.

What is Hypnotherapy for parents?2022-04-27T06:22:37-07:00

Hypnotherapy for parents is an effective systematic healing approach that allows you to transform unwanted behaviors, such as self-doubt, overwhelm, exhaustion, guilt, or loneliness in just a short amount of time.

Hypnotherapy will help you to parent calmly and patiently without yelling, withdrawing, feeling anxious, depleted, tired, frustrated or disconnected. 

Hypnotherapy will also enable you to be more open to the needs of your child and to deepen your relationship dramatically. It is the path towards deep healing for yourself and your whole family.

Please note:
As a Hypnotherapist, I will not diagnose, but instead will provide you with solid, usable tools to thrive into your wildest dreams. 

If you are in a family situation or have a child with whom typical parenting methods don’t help – perhaps they make the situation even worse – you’ve come to the right place!

You’ll leave each session with tools you can immediately include in your daily life, tools that empower you to further strengthen and balance your own well-being and the well-being of your child. 

My commitment is to bring more ease, joy, and fulfillment into your current family life!

Who will benefit from Hypnotherapy?2023-04-14T15:39:48-07:00

Hypnotherapy is for parents with children of all ages who: 

  • Are overwhelmed, dealing with chronic stress, fatigue, or anxiety. 
  • Wish to feel more at ease, peaceful, and connected on a daily basis.
  • Want to heal eating issues or attachment issues.
  • Are open to transforming their negative beliefs or feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness, or fear of failure. 
  • Are looking for profound, deep healing that will change their family life, awareness, health and well-being. 
  • It’s also for anyone wishing to get pregnant, preparing for labor, suffered a miscarriage or grieving the loss of a child.
What are the benefits?2023-05-16T16:58:50-07:00

A comparison study from the American Health Magazine

  • Hypnotherapy – 93% recovery after 6 sessions
  • Behavior therapy – 72% recovery after 22 sessions
  • Psychoanalysis – 38% recovery after 600 sessions

Hypnotherapy is a proven tool, to help parents in just a short amount of time to:

  • Reduce inner stress, exhaustion, and self-doubts 
  • Increase inner balance, strength, and joyful togetherness
  • Reduce anxiety and feelings of guilt or shame
  • Transform traumatic experiences such as a C-section or birth complications
  • Heal your childhood trauma and clear inner blockages
  • Change negative behavior, habits, and beliefs into positive ones
  • Reconnect with your motherly instinct
  • Process grief from the loss of a loved one

Because parents often unintentionally release their anger, frustration, or general stress on themselves or their children (or partners), hypnotherapy offers the ideal place to safely and constructively release what’s no longer needed and to foster their underlying potential that’s ready to thrive.

Hypnotherapy can also help with:

Emotional clearing, sleep problems, trauma release, inner stress, anxiety, unhappiness, recurring headaches, chronic pain, fears, self-sabotage, relationship problems, feeling stuck or blocked, guilt, panic attacks, worrying, time management, problem solving, food-related issues, attention difficulties, work performance, fulfillment, personal growth and more.

Please note: 

As a Hypnotherapist, I do not diagnose, prescribe medication, or treat illness!

What long term results can I expect from Hypnotherapy?2023-05-13T18:15:15-07:00

Hypnotherapy offers transformative long term results such as:

  • Reaching deep levels of relaxation 
  • More patience and compassion with yourself and others 
  • Feeling more balanced and energized even during busy days
  • Deepening confidence, self-trust, and self-esteem
  • Improving healthy rhythm and eating issues 
  • Managing body weight 
  • Establishing appreciative communication without power struggle, punishment, blame, or shame 

Hypnotherapy can also help with:

Emotional clearing, sleep problems, trauma release, inner stress, anxiety, unhappiness, recurring headaches, chronic pain, fears, self-sabotage, relationship problems, feeling stuck or blocked, guilt, panic attacks, worrying, time management, problem solving, food-related issues, attention difficulties, work performance, fulfillment, personal growth and more.

Where & how often will we meet?2023-02-07T13:53:15-08:00

We meet either in person at my office in Pacific Heights, San Francisco, or online via Zoom or Skype. Depending on your needs, we may meet weekly, every other week or less often. 

I offer packages of 4 x 90 minute sessions available in English or German.

You may experience a remarkable shift in your family, work and personal life right after the first session.

Rates and cancellations policy:2023-05-27T21:13:34-07:00


I do offer:

  • Single session of 90 min. for $495 
  • Packages of 4 x 90-min. sessions. A package of 4 sessions (90 min. each) is $1,980.
  • I do not take insurance. (Feel free to ask if any sliding scale slots are open).

For an investment in your own health and fulfillment, you can find peace within yourself and create a stronger relationship with your child and other loved ones than you ever imagined possible.

Credit Cards & ACH Transfer accepted for payment – or SEPA payment option for people living in Europe. Payment in advance is customary. 

Cancellation Policy:
If you have not notified me at least 24 hours in advance, unfortunately you will be required to pay the full cost of the session. The same applies if you do not show up for your scheduled consultation appointment.

One time product purchase, like hypnotherapy sessions are final purchases and unfortunately non refundable!

If you have any questions or want to set up a free discovery call with me, don’t hesitate to send me an email at

How Susan managed to forgive herself & feel more grounded again …

I booked 4 sessions so far and are deeply grateful for all the amazing healing work! Little did I know that the cause of my chronic fatigue and eating disorder was related to childhood trauma. I understand now how much our childhood upbringing determines the way we think about ourselves and the way we parent. I still can’t believe how much transformation was possible in just a few hours. I can’t thank you enough. You are such a wise and intuitive healer!”

– Susan, UK

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Hypnotherapy work?2022-05-07T08:56:01-07:00

In Person Sessions:
You arrive at my office in Pacific Heights, San Francisco, and we have a seat in my comfortable session room. We first take some time to talk about the changes you want to see in your life. We then begin the process of hypnosis – while you make yourself comfortable and I help you to relax into the pleasant state of hypnosis. 

Contrary to what people often think, you are in charge and stay in control of the process for the whole time. I always check in with your subconscious wisdom to see what feels safe and beneficial, and we go from there. 

I give you purposeful suggestions to help you accomplish what you want, and your powerful subconscious mind takes in the suggestions that will be useful to you and lets go of anything that isn’t useful to you.

After coming out of the hypnosis, many people report that they feel well rested and refreshed, and that they feel more free, calm, and at ease–better than they have in years. 

Online  Sessions:
We first take time to talk about the changes you want to see in your life.
We then begin the process of hypnosis – while you make yourself comfortable and I help you to relax into the pleasant state of hypnosis. 

For online sessions it’s best that you use a headset or earbuds so you can completely relax, without having to worry about acoustic issues. You will want to make yourself comfortable in your home environment – either seated or reclining on a sofa, chair, or bed. You may want to get cozy with a blanket, as our body temperature may change a little as you relax into hypnosis. 

And remember, whether the session takes place in person or online, you are always aware of what is being said and how the session is progressing. You are in charge and stay in control of the process the whole time. Hypnosis is not a loss of awareness; it’s more like focused awareness!

I always check in with your subconscious wisdom to see what feels safe and beneficial for you, and we go from there. 

After coming out of the hypnosis many people report that they feel well rested and refreshed, and that they feel more free, calm and at ease– better than they have in years.

Will I be aware of what’s happening while I’m in hypnosis?2022-04-27T06:34:57-07:00

Yes, in fact, within the hypnotic state, we are actually hyper-aware of what is going on around us. 

Your subconscious mind knows and understands the reasons and the issues behind the various challenges or symptoms you have been experiencing. Hypnosis simply allows one to bypass the critical mind and connect with the subconscious, where habits, patterns, behaviors, addictions, and memories are stored. The whole time you are fully aware of what is happening!

Will I lose control of myself while in hypnosis?2022-09-21T16:09:49-07:00

Dispel the myths: In a state of hypnosis you’re not asleep or unconscious. You’re aware of your surroundings. You can’t be forced to do anything that’s against your will nor will you do anything that goes against your morals, belief or ethics. You’re in complete control.

Can I be hypnotized against my will?2022-04-27T07:52:04-07:00

Absolutely not! You cannot be hypnotized without your consent and agreement.

Hypnosis has nothing to do with magic, metaphysics, or religion. It is merely the most graceful and effective method we can use to make purposeful, positive change in our lives.

What are the next steps if I decide to start Hypnotherapy?2023-03-01T10:03:05-08:00

Step #1
Sign up for a Hypnotherapy Package that includes 4 sessions (90 min. each) 

Step #2
Book an appointment

Step #3
After you made your payment, you will receive a client agreement and a pre-therapy Questionnaire about your own well-being and the issues for which you’d like help. Please complete both documents prior to your first therapy session.

Step #4
After making your appointment, you will automatically receive the Zoom link via email, and you simply click on it when it’s time for our session.

If we meet in person, you will receive my office address and directions.

The appointments are usually one or two weeks apart, so you have time to implement the tools that I will provide you with during each session.
At our next session, we’ll review how these tools and techniques are working and explore any questions you have. 

Paperwork for Hypnotherapy2022-04-27T07:55:46-07:00

After you schedule your first session and make the payment, you will receive a client agreement & a pre-therapy questionnaire, where you can share detailed information about your own well-being, your family situation, and all the issues you would like support for.

Can I book Hypnotherapy if I am not a parent?2022-04-27T07:56:44-07:00

Of course you don’t have to be a parent to benefit from Hypnotherapy. I work with parents, and others from all over the world.

What do parents say?2022-04-27T10:36:57-07:00

I want to thank you so much for such a powerful session. It caught me off guard how deep we went in only one session. I feel so much more at ease and comfortable since then. For the first time I love being silly with my beautiful daughter!

– Nicole, Colorado, USA

You are here to enjoy life NOT to suffer!

(Limited spots available)

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