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All of our parenting resources raise compassion for yourself & your child.

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calmer family life.
Founded with a purpose.
I’ve made it my mission to help mothers all over the world understand that there is another way to approach motherhood… a way that doesn’t ignore your own needs, but instead puts them FIRST. This may sound counterintuitive at first, but your child will actually thrive even more, feel more balanced and stable, when you begin recognizing and meeting your own needs first.

Our Methods and Backgrounds
For those who want to dive deep.
Parenting -
"A lifelong self-awareness process."
When my daughter was born, I soon realized how much my feelings, inner mood, and stress were connected with her well-being. I realized that before I could give her my best, I first had to discover what was going on inside of me
- What is my mood right now?
- When am I about to lose my patience?
- What can I do to help myself feel stable and balanced again?
Helping you raise your self-awareness is a critical element in everything we offer. We show you proven practices that allow you to tune into your true self and stay calm and patient even in your child’s biggest tantrums or challenges.
- Pia Dögl, Founder Beginning Well®
The Pikler Approach -
"A Breakthrough for parents."
The Pikler approach fundamentally changed how I think about babies and toddlers. I realized that even a newborn senses everything that is going on in their surroundings and is affected by how respectfully we treat them - even before they can speak
How often did I, for example, pick up my daughter or dress her without first telling her what I intended to do? How would we feel if someone suddenly put a hat on our head or a pacifier into our mouth without telling us what they intended to do? Babies and toddlers experience the same thing!
Pia Dögl, Founder Beginning Well®
Click here for more about the Pikler approach! -
Waldorf Education -
"Each child has their own calling."
The beauty of Waldorf Education is that each child is recognized as an individual with a unique potential and their own calling.
Waldorf education helped me to deeply understand our daughter’s needs and behavior, to trust her will to learn, her capacity for self-initiated movement, and her endless creative potential to change this world for the better. I discovered that children learn through example and imitation, which makes it obvious why our own personal development and thriving, as parents, is fundamental to our children’s wellbeing.
- Pia Dögl, Founder Beginning Well®
Click here for more about Waldorf Education!