The 2 Keys to Play Development & …

Suitable Toys for One-Year Olds.

We’ve had many parents reach out to us asking for clarity on: How does play develop in the first years, and what play things are suitable at those ages?

That’s why we have prepared a 2-part series for this month on: The Importance of Free Play & Self-discovery For Children’s Healthy Learning and Development. We are starting with a deeper focus on Play in the First Year, so your child can thrive into his or her full potential from the very beginning!

Enjoy part 1, The 2 Keys to Play Development & Suitable Toys for One-Year Olds. You’ll learn about:

  • How play develops in the first year

  • What are recommended play materials at that age

  • How you can support your child’s independence, creativity, endurance & self-confidence right from the beginning