Project Description

Holly Ellisa Bruno
Parenting Expert
Holly Elissa Bruno, former Maine Assistant Attorney General, Dean of Faculty, Outstanding Professor, University of Maine-Augusta, is an international Keynoter, award winning, best selling author on trauma and recovery, leadership and emotional intelligence, plus managing legal risks in ECE programs.
Newest Episodes
13: How do I Overcome Self-Doubt As A Mom?
Before becoming a parent, honestly, how often did we look at and judge other parents and swear that we would be better?
Today, I’m taking …
11: Coaching Session with Sarah Scott
How Can I Support My Daughter’s Self-Esteem Journey?
In today’s episode, we have a special guest, Sarah Scott, joining us for a parent coaching interview.
As moms, …
03: How to Let Go of Being Perfect
Do you want to know how to let go of this exhausting desire to do everything right, to be extraordinary at home as a mom and …