Parent Well in a Media & Digital Age
Keep the freedom of children’s imagination.
Do you remember when you watched your first movie when you were little? Do you remember how you felt afterward? Excited, confused, scared?
I was about 6 when my grandparents took me to watch my first movie at the cinema. I felt totally overwhelmed and wanted to leave the movie after the first 20 minutes. I stayed because I was too scared to walk through the dark theatre on my own. The pictures of a huge dragon stayed with me for quite a while.
How to Parent Well in a Media & Digital Age is the topic of an eye opening interview with Jean Rogers, the Director of Children’s Screen Time Action Network at Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Jean shares the newest research on why parents should reduce children’s time on screens and digital devices and also gives us ideas on what we parents can do so that children can grow into self-actualized adults in control of all forms of screen technologies. Watch here.

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