Project Description

Winter Songs
Enjoy sharing these winter songs and verses.
Gift your child with the sound of your voice - whether you feel like you can carry a tune or not. For some of these, we demonstrate possible movements to do with them. Use these movements if you like - or make up your own. Use the melodies we share or make up your own - or just say the words. These little songs and verses are an invitation to engage in loving connection with your child. They help to develop the child’s senses, especially the senses of hearing, touch, movement, and balance. They also help children to connect with the world around them - with nature, the cycles of the year - and with you!
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Parent Relief Membership.
Brrr it's cold!
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Parent Relief Membership.
In the Winter Garden song
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Parent Relief Membership.
Make a Snowman Verse
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Parent Relief Membership.
"I'm A Little Snowman"
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Parent Relief Membership.
Snowflakes so white
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Parent Relief Membership.
Where do you come from, you little flakes of snow
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